
Pasaules iz- un nogaršošana

Jau pirms kāda laika EHB Starptautiskais departaments sāka izplatīt ziņu par gaidāmo Food Fair, kurā visi starptautiskie studenti ir aicināti piedalīties un gatavot kaut ko no savas nacionālās virtuves (izdevumus apmaksā EHB), lai ar to iepazīstinātu visus citus pasākuma apmeklētājus - studentus.

Diemžēl es gan šajā pasākumā nevarēšu piedalīties, jo tajā vakarā apmeklēšu konferenci, bet iekopēju informāciju tik un tā - varbūt kādam, to lasot, rodas ideja to pašu iniciēt un organizēt savā augstskolā? :)

"The International Office (IRMO) and the international organizations (ESN, UCOS, BEST and AIESEC) organize their yearly Food Fair. This year we see it bigger and better! We will organize “Taste The World!”. In this package you get a Food Fair, a movie, a concert and a party! All this will be totally free except for the food of course)!

The Food Fair basically is international students promoting their home country through one of their typical dishes. The movie will be “Slumdog Millionaire” afterwards we get a free concert of “Wrong Em Boyo” and after the concert, DJ Naz-K will play one of his DJ-sets.

Now basically what we want to do, is ask you if you want to cook. You can either cook at home or at the stand, just make sure you let us know via the attached form what material you will need (like pots, pans, cuttingboards and knifes if you are cooking at your stand or a microwave if you are cooking at home and you want to reheat) All the money spent on the cooking will be refunded at the end, so keep track of your expenses. This means that you should keep the receipts for the food you bought. This will be your opportunity to represent your home country. We will take care of the decorations and the material you may need and we will ask your embassy for some information. It really is as easy as that…just cooking…"

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