
Erotic Museum

As last weekend we had Museum Weekend here in Amsterdam (I will try to write about it in the next days as well), I had a chance to visit some more new museums. Unfortunately none of them was really so worth seeing it, but at least it was cheaper.

One of those museums was Erotic Museum in Red Light District (do not mix with Sex Museum which is on Dam), so I decided to give it a try and visit it.

Museum has five floors, all devoted to erotic, but unfortunately it is not so exciting as it sounds. Most of it are simply pictures, paintings or small sculptures devoted to erotic or sex. They also claim to have the oldest vibrator in the world (which looked more like a meat grinder for me).

In one of the floors you can sit down on a muscaria and together with Snow White and Seven Dwarfs you can watch adult-only animation movies (e.g., about a wolf who wants sex).
In another one you can take a picture of yourself in a "sexy" costume or a picture next to a huge penis.

Apart from that, there is nothing else to do. Half an hour is more than enough for that and the entrance fee is not so low (normally - seven euro, I paid only 50% because of the Museum Weekend). So think twice (or three times) before going there.

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