Some days ago I got a message from an Indian guy on CouchSurfing who asked me if I know that my surname is a very typical surname in India.
Sure, I know that, have heard it before from Indians, who are always very surprised about it and once I even got an e-mail in Hindi...
But what I didn't know is the fact there is even a popular coffee chain! He also e-mail me a picture of it (found on Google):

Now I am curious, where else can I find Kalmane (apart from Hungary, where every town has Kalman street, thanks to Hungarian composer Imre Kálmán)?
Here is a more important Kálmán from Hungar :)
Other than, hungarian wikipedia says the name has a turkish origin.
Never heard about him, thanks for the info! :)
AtbildētDzēstIn statistics, the Kalman filter is a mathematical method named after Rudolf E. Kalman.
Also visit google maps and type in Kalman, there are lots of places around the world named Kalman.
here u can find ure surname too :