The choir has a wide range of nationalities and age (I think I am the youngest one, some ladies have been singing there for years and look around 70 years old - but they have wonderful voices), but unfortunately not a wide range of genders as I have seen only one man - poor bass! And we have no tenors at all.
I know almost nothing about church music and I have not been singing in a choir for ages. I used to sing when I was going in the primary school and also some years of the high school, but that was it. However, as a typical Latvian I love singing and wanted to have some hobby here. Joining the choir was a good choice!

In 10 days we have to sing in a service in the church (once a month), we are going to sing two songs. The first time I heard those songs were yesterday in the rehearsal, so let's see how it goes for me. I still need to get used to the music and hear it more, because then it's easier to sing.
P.S. Pictures are from the English Reformed Church website.
I have never sung in a choir, but i remember at church very young we used to line up and sing a song and then i was very timid and shy. whenever its time for us to be called i get nervous, now i am pastor i miss those moments, I want to start a youth choir for my community, i was just looking and i came accross your blog and there is zero comment so i just wanted to live something, have fun and tell the man with the poor bass that if he needs a buddy to join him make his bass better, I am available, feel free to drop me a comment or any message to my email, martinmawunu@yahoo.com. have a wonderful afternoon .Martin