
The Development of Tourism Skills With The Aid of Non-formal education in Latvia, The Netherlands And Ukraine

For all of those who are curious how did my master thesis end up, here is the summary. Thanks to my sister for the translation!

The Master Thesis “The Development of Tourism Skills With The Aid of Non-formal education in Latvia, The Netherlands And Ukraine” written by Anita Kalmane has focused on a field that has not yet been fully investigated in Latvia, and has viewed the influence and investment of youth organisations on the youth development, specifically on the development of tourism skills. In recent years the importance of non-formal education and a volunteer’s place in a society has been frequently discussed, but precise statistics on how many youth organisations are there in Europe and in the countries that have been investigated in this paper and what investment are they providing as a part of non-formal education, has not been carried out.

The aim of the paper was to clarify what skills the youth are developing in the tourism area with the aid of non-formal education and through which activities these skills are being developed. The research question was that non-formal education develops youth tourism skills and abilities.

The following methods were used for the research purposes – the overview of the theoretical materials, questionnairing and in-depth interviews. In order to prove the research question the Author investigated the background information of non-formal education and the existing situation of youth organisations in Latvia, the Netherlands and Ukraine, as well as investigated what exactly are tourism skills (including the evaluation of the classification of occupations in Latvia) and how contemporary youth can be characterized. In total 170 socially active young adults of the investigated countries were questionnaired in order to clarify whether they have been, for how long and in what way involved in any youth organisation and how their tourism skills have improved during this period. The Author of the paper has also carried out six in-depth interviews with representatives of the tourism area who have previously been active participants in youth organisations in order to find out their opinions and experiences.

In the end it was concluded that there are no single, united understanding between professionals or youth about the tourism skills, because they differ according to the types of tourism and a specification of a tourism company. Also the youth do not have enough information about volunteering and awareness that participating in non-governmental organisations (including youth organisations) is one of the volunteer’s job options. The Author of the paper concluded that there are no major differences in the youth acquirement of tourism skills between young adults in Latvia, the Netherlands and Ukraine, thus, this skill acquirement is influenced by the time period and the activity of an organisation. Almost all of the young adults who were questionnaired admit that they have developed three of eleven tourism skills mentioned by the Author of the paper – the ability to motivate other people; communication skills; ability to take decisions and leadership skills. All of them are also social skills, therefore the Author of the paper suggests to the future researchers to pay attention on what skills in general are possible to develop in different types of organisations. The Author of the paper also expresses an idea that the creators of lifelong learning policy should pay more attention on the recognition of youth organisations in Latvia and Ukraine.

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