Thanks to our Italian friends, who translated the letter, it was indeed a love letter and said something like "It can seems silly, but I wish to know you, I wish to speak with you and have a walk long canals of this beauty city, before than the sun goes down to leave the place to the moonlight."
We thought that somebody mixed the door (as none of us speak Italian) and took it downstairs so the mysterious admirer could take it to the right person. The letter and roses stayed there for a few days, nobody took them... :(
This weekend it happened again - at 7am in front of our doors there were 10 pink roses. No letter this time, but now the roses look very nice in our living room.
And the third time was yesterday, when after coming back from work Michael found a box of Australian chocolate with a note "For the most enigmatic and beautiful woman of A'dam :)". The chocolate was tasty (and I heard that also expensive), thanks, but still...!
So Michael wrote a letter that the secret admirer must be wrong with the flat number and took it downstairs this morning. One can't get in our house without a key, and there are around 15 flats in the house, so it must be one of the neighbors. :)
Well, maybe it is for me, of course, and I am the most enigmatic and beautiful woman! But I do not speak Italian and wouldn't it be silly to put nice presents in front of the door where one lives with the boyfriend? So I still say the secret lover mixed the doors...
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